Thursday, October 26, 2006

To the Year 4 GEP Batch of 2006

Well, today's the last ever day of secondary school for all of us (so long as Bert and Lejon DO get promoted). Over the past 4 years, I have grown up along with you guys, amidst much commotion. The fact that we now practically have 5 months of free time to kill aside, a sincere thank you is deserved for putting up with all the nonsense I have been capable of conjuring up. This seems like a real pathetic goodbye cos we'll still be seeing each other next year (unfortunately in some cases). Ah well, boh bian...

To the class of 4.10, you'll agree we've had fun for the past couple of years. And against all odds, by taking turns to laugh at various random people, we probably have bonded better than I'd have ever expected. Oh, and thanks for being obedient sheep for a certain Class Chairman. Today marks the demise of the smallest class in school, as well as about the most kheng. Cheers, slackers.

To those in 4.9, half of you have been my classmates before and experienced my terror. And those who haven't, would have heard about it. Thanks (mostly) for sec 1 and 2, and for the boundless entertainment. I take every groan from you guys as a personal success. Have fun in your future endeavours/mugging/SERVICING.

To my teachers (yeah I know you blogsurf too!), thank you for putting up with my rubbish all these years. Despite being repetitively thrown out of class by a certain transparent and accountable history teacher for being extensively lame, it has not affected my ability to think critically and make bad jokes. In the end, it's what you learn that matters in school, and I walk away confident that I'm boosted in that department. So..Rest In Peace, General Education Officers!

Today also happens to be my last day in the GEP. Apart from accounting for 75% of my social circle, the GEP has truly worked wonders. Too bad certain men upstairs (the guy on the 8th floor who keeps singing karaoke) don't see that, and the GEP will soon be canned, like some kind of processed meat.

A special shut up must go to my OMing buddies, without whom I wouldn't be such an idiot. To you I say: caterpillars, polka-dots, earwax.

Okay, that was random. God Bless and all the best, guys. Make sure you still remember me 20 years from now


Blogger * the mad monk of melk * said... how...ur mother want to hire him or not?

26/10/06 9:06 AM  
Blogger yours truly said...

eh who's this? my mother's humanities HOD is called Gerald Cheang :D

27/10/06 7:53 AM  
Blogger * the mad monk of melk * said...

now that's an unfortunate combination.

28/10/06 7:09 AM  

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