Monday, September 17, 2007

Long Time No Blog

Well, Gideon happened to comment that I haven't blogged in eons. And by golly, he's right. So here I am, blogging but not really blogging.
What with all the random stuff I have to do (no complaints, though. I somehow enjoy being busy), there's either no time, no motivation or no content to blog (mistake me not. I AM content, just not the blog).

Except for today, dum-dum! (MSN alert sound) Yes well, -insert random philosophising (is that a word) about life/random comment/interesting insight-. I'm kinda out of them, sorry. And with that, the cow disappears behind the moon. (pfft I told those doctors I was losing it and see what happens when they don't believe me)

Saturday, June 02, 2007

And so it ends

Post-OM Depression. Imagine one of those Road Runner cartoons where like Wile E. Coyote drops this huge steel "OM"-shaped block off a cliff, then races down and wonders why it hasn't fallen on Road Runner yet. Then BOOM, we are left with a Coyote-patterned frisbee on screen.

Incidentally, this has nothing to do with Post-OM Depression. POD, as affectionately (or not-so-affectionately) referred to by the OM fraternity, is what happens in the period after OM has ended. It has recently dawned on me that my career as an Odyssey of the Mind participant all but inofficially ended at about 12.45am this morning, when we departed from the airport with medals around our necks for about the last time. Waking up this morning, I am left with a surprising lack of motivation to do anything else. No Other City lies open in front of me, my IOP script untouched. I think this speaks greatly of OM, especially in ACS, that we are so involved that we feel the loss when it's over. And so, the honour roll.

Much love to my teammates over the years, and then there's this year's team. Daniel, Jin, Jeremy, Paul, Johannes and Joshua. It's been terribly fun, and the chemistry that our team enjoyed was magically evident on stage.
Cao, who is officially the most decorated OMer in ACS (Independent) and now can look forward to a career writing inspirational books for aspiring participants.
Jem the manj, who has broken his silver (but not his cavalier) streak.
Hadi and Paul, who got the gold the first time around (or second, depending on how you look at it).
Daniel and Jin, my teammates for all 3 years of OM. The 3 of us, I am proud to proclaim, are the only ones who have collected the entire set of World Finals medals -insert Pokemon 'Gotta catch'em all' theme-.

Many bouts of thanks to my coaches throughout the 3 years for their immense patience and guile. Also the vast number of fraternity members/former teammates, who provided great and much-needed support.

To the other people who have gone to the US with me, for the entertainment and many good times. Cheers, and keep up the good work.

As is tradition in ACS, we thank God for the blessings and grace given onto us. For all these things we do, we do through Him (Philippians 4:13).

And so, where does this leave us now? With memories upon memories to reminisce of, laughs to be shared, suans to be renewed. For me, there's work to get back to, a life (put on hold) to get on with. There's work to be done, duties to be fulfilled. Ultimately, a God to be praised for His blessings, favour, and guidance. To God be this glory, and we believe that The Best Is indeed Yet To Be.


So we're back from Michigan State University, and I shall attempt not to go on one of those hyper spam crazes that some (or one) of my teammates is bound to go on. "We won! We won!" etc etc. (for more details please refer to It appears that my attempts to readjust my body clock on the 20-hour plane ride(s) back were well and truly futile. Here I am, at 3am, with noone online.

What I will do is thank my teammates for being perpetually great, each a captain in his own right. Have to thank the school, for making us poster boys of the "School supports its students' endeavours" cause (it kinda paid off, didn't it). Thank God for being there during good times and bad, happy times and sad, even Tiger time.

Apart from Common Tests ominously around the corner, a very busy school vacation grins maliciously at my queasy insides. OM pictures will be up when available, with more shots where I blinked at the flash than I can ever recall.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Oh We Are Flying In An Aeroplane

Looking out the window
Watching the clouds fly by
Flying in an aeroplane
Looking out the window
Up so very high!

OM World Finals beckon. See you in 10 days!

Tuesday, May 01, 2007

Ah Well

Writer's block, they call it. It never seemed this difficult to motivate myself to do English homework before. Just look at the poem and i feel a tingle in my gut that says "quick think of something else to do!", and an itch in my legs that says "get me away from this" and then DING! the inevitable bright yellow (at least I think it's yellow, poor colour deficient me) lightbulb appears above my head, with a list of alternative activities, ranging from watching cooking shows on TV to playing Microsoft Hearts to sorting the Hundreds-and-Thousands by colour.

This Sylvia Plath ah;
Always write emo things one,
I'd kill myself too.
Aha! Back at you, Sylvia. Why couldn't you have specialised in suicidal HAIKUS. And now I catch sight of the vaguely annotated Tulips in front of the computer. Oh wait, Mum just bought more Hundreds-and-Thousands...

Sunday, April 22, 2007

This Week was...Interesting

To say the least.

From the rugby finals on Monday to the Pines/American Club on Friday, this week has been one of the most eventful I've had this year. On a side note, why is it interesting when the air con gets blocked? Because e vent full. Okay shoot me, I couldn't resist.

In light of certain recent developments, we need to give a huge shout of thanks to the Old Man Upstairs (and I'm not referring to Mr Jones). What can I say, "we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him"- Romans 8:28.

While those around me have been lavishly enjoying themselves this week (Ice Cream Week -hackcough-), I have been a true blue guaikia and actually bothered to catch up on work, even to the point of starting on stuff that I know I won't have time to do later on. Cao has declared me the team nerd, which is ironic considering my general I'd-rather-be-bitten-tenderly-by-an-old-man attitude towards some of my work.

Ah well, chem prac calls ^^

Monday, April 16, 2007

A Crazy Little Thing Called OM

Well, I've practically driven myself to exhaustion the past couple of weeks. See, this is why I need a car.

Last Saturday was OM nationals. It was saddening not to win, I shan't deny that. Especially on hands-on spontaneous (which I sat out of). But still, I believe that God has blessed us tremendously these past couple of months, and there's no reason why we shouldn't still be thankful for that. "To man belong the plans of the heart, but from the Lord comes the reply of the tongue", says Proverbs 16:1. It's all yuan fen, and I'm sure there's a Long-Term purpose for it all.

To my teammates, it was and is an honour to be able to eat, sleep and live OM with you guys. Keep your heads up, yes. (if you're emo eat ice cream, eh yeang)

If the winners ever read this, (this sounds way ego but) you had to be some kind of good to beat us. All the best for whatever you do (:

Have fun and go read everyone else's blogs for the full story hehe.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Campaign sounds like OBS for French kids

It does, doesn't it.

It's been eons since I last posted. For this I blame the piles of work that await my return from school at 10.30 pm every night. I bet OM shortens your life, and not just because of the paint fume intoxication. Am feeling lazy to talk about OM life for now, so if you want to find out more go look at Jeremy's blog. I'm sure the superhero keeps a regular record.

Anyway, last week was Student Council campaigning. Rather belatedly I have to admit, allow me to come up with some campaign slogans that are never going to work. As far as I know, I came up with these on my own, so if they happen to resemble anything you're familiar with, please don't hold it against me.

1. Vote for me if you like complex numbers!
2. A vote for me is a vote for free newspapers!
3. I want to be CEO

On a more serious note, I'll admit that campaigning was kinda fun, albeit being tiring and pointless at times. I guess it depends how enthusiastic you want to be about the whole thing.

Good Friday coming soon. Do take time out to reflect on why this Friday's good. "Greater love has no one than this, that he lay down his life for his friends." John 15:13

Okay off to do random things with the guitar.