Sunday, October 29, 2006

Are You a Geek?

This has been a draft since Friday, but I've been too lazy to finish it out.

On Friday when I was browsing through Borders while around Wheelock (refer to previous post), I came across this book titled "Are You a Geek? 10^3 Ways to Find Out". It provides you with a checklist to determine your geek factor, along with a scoring system. Apparently the higher your score, the closer you are to a geek prick. It's a real laugh, and it has to be. Cos if you're really a geek you won't be at the humour section of Borders, especially if Science Fiction's just around the corner..

Well, some of the more exciting examples are as follows: with your mother (1 point)
...are over thirty and live with your mother(2 points)
...are over thirty and live in your mother's basement (5 points) You...have never been invited to a party (1 point)
...have been the only person at a party (2 points)
...arrived at a party, and people said they were going out to run errands and never returned (5 points)
You...haven't changed your glasses in 5 years (1 point)
...have glasses with cartoon characters on the frames (2 points)
...just picked out your new pair of glasses in a colour that matches your bow tie (5 points)
You...enjoy wearing an all-white ensemble (2 points)
...attend the Bishan Parliamentary Preperatory Academy, of Bishan (10 points)

Okay fine so I made half of them up. Go look for it in Borders, unless a bunch of geeks couldn't find their way to Science Fiction. Catch you around.


Blogger yours truly said...

clearly i had quite a hard time trying to post it.. sorry the justification's messed up

29/10/06 6:21 AM  

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