Saturday, December 16, 2006

The Trip Home Just Now

No, I didn't fall over my doorstep.

I have just gotten home from watching Magic Of Love at Expo. On the way home, Gideon and I just went MAD. Even before we reached the MRT Station, we'd already started the hysterics, but then, as Gid said, it's all relative (cos we're cousins). As you'll find occurs often enough, we proceeded to come up with bad follow-ups. Like how if we started running together it's relative velocity.

Then came the MRT, and I guarantee we're going to get thrown off the MRT one of these days. While it's moving. A trapdoor will suddenly open and swallow us (YES, swallow Gideon) up. Throughout all the bad puns, wisecracks and incontrollable laughter, we managed to get about half the carriage staring at us. I would like to take this opportunity to sincerely apologise for the disturbance caused. We're actually really guai, except that Gid traded his halo for candy, and I gave mine to this old man in exchange for some magic beans.

We have made an agreement never to start up again in front of girls, especially with the new school year fast approaching (yeah right...don't hold us to that). In the meantime, I'm taking bets on how long it'll take for us to get thrown out at Chinese New Year.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

it was fun for me, actually. it's like watching live TV, which is way better than reality TV! we must do it again sometime!

just not at midnight.

15/12/06 3:08 PM  

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