Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Model Student 101

After a week of lessons, I have travelled so much in-between classes that I could probably earn frequent flyer miles. You see, I stay in my own class for about one subject. Following careful observation of my peers and myself, I've decided that the general behaviour leaves much to be desired. Therefore, I have made it my responsibility to compile a behaviour guide* for every wannabe Model Student.

Model Student 101
1. Never have your hands in your pockets. Teachers may deem this as disrespectful.
1a. Never spoof a teacher scolding someone for having his hands in his pockets in front of the teacher (I barely got away with it).
2. Never drag your chair, yawn or slouch during maths. It prohibits your absorbtion (is that a word?) of 'Cosmic energy'.
3. Never leave your GDC lying around. Someone might delete your Mario game.
4. Never leave your bag unattended in class. You may return to find a fire extinguisher in it.
5. Never introduce yourself as Bob. You might be asked to build something.
5a. Unless, of course, your name really is Bob.
6. Never make bad jokes about your subject material (Okay I'm guilty of this one. But ceteris peribus sounds like a swearword..)
7. Never mock lit techniques by repeating the same start of a sentence.
8. Keep yourself awake by imagining your teacher in a ballet suit.

* Everything in this guide is completely tongue-in-cheek. Any resemblance to people living or dead is purely coincidental

p.s. Why does OMer rhyme with jomer?

Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Longest Joke In The World

I'm really sorry if this is bad/you've heard it before but this has to be shared with the world.


Anyway, I woke up this morning with a new zit. The new long, hours are probably at fault, not helped by the fact that my school's so dusty it hurts. Bio students probably dissect dust bunnies -.- Although I would've preferred hiding at home, I had to brave it in public for church activities. It must be really obvious, cos my 11-year-old group members were all telling me. DIE. GLASS HALF EMPTY. FROG DROWN IN BUTTER. SLASH WRIST -EMO EMO-

Hehe, went bowling with some church friends in the evening at Marina Square, where i proceeded to bump into IAN LIM WEI. After more random stuffs, I had intelligentconversation with Kelvin on the way home, and now I'm stoning around waiting for the Arsenal match to start.

I should replicate my self-occupation (that sounds wrong!) tactics for lectures on thursday/friday and go do sudoku/play mario on my GDC. Bye bye
p.s. what's this? (<><) It's Fish bowling! ^^

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

How does one waste a week in school?

Now that Orientation is over, we've been having 'Bridging Courses', for all the different subjects. What it means to the school, is to give us an introduction to what the subject covers over the next two years. It's like a last chance to back out. What it means to us, is time to catch up on sleep and talk rot with friends.

Well, at least that's what it means to most people. Being the nice, sweet and charming individual that I am, I chivalrously lent my jacket to a certain someone for the past few days. This, of course, leaves me without a pillow. Therefore, I resort to talking rot with the poor people sitting next to me. Today during Lang Arts, the rhyme reminded me of this thing I heard from someone (Hadi?) during Haven rehearsal last year.

Simple Simon met a Pie Man on the way to the county fair;
Said Simple Simon to the Pie Man, "What have you got there?"
Said the Pie Man to Simple Simon, "PIES LAH, STUPID!"
It's kinda sad (Costly? xD) when cheap thrills are the only thing keeping you from losing your sanity. At least it's only two more days, and then class allocations come out next week. Poor, poor class.

Monday, January 08, 2007


So I've just started Year5/J1/Grade11 whatever you call it. The past week has been highly amusing, catching up with old friends and making new ones. I will post pictures when my OGL/Chinese B HL-taking-group-mate sends us the photos.

Today began the second week of school, and subject options day! I opted for HL English A1, Maths and History, and SL Chem, Chinese B and Econs. If you're in ACSIB too and just made identical or similiar options, I send my apologies in advance. A certain teacher regularly sends me out of class for excessive telling of bad jokes, so I sympathise with my future classmates.

Anyway I've already decided that we should set aside a desk in Chem class for any girls experiencing monthly pains. We can call it the Periodic Table xD

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

The Day Before The Day Before The Day After The First Day Of School

Don't you just hate people with long titles? Capt. (NS) Dr Rev Ang Beng Cheng, Ph.D., MBA, ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ.

Anyway, school starts tomorrow. Come on, let's all say it together:
As I return to another 10 months of torture and hardship, it was nice knowing you.
p.s. Just imagine the noise i'll be making before going into NS